They had never been together before though they had spent hours exchanging thoughts and feelings, desires and more anticipation was very high as he walked down the street to her house he could see her shadow on the window shade back dropped by a dim light in the kitchen
he thought of what he should say to her. should they embrace? when would be the proper time to hold her face in his hand and gently kiss her lips?
would the sparks they felt for each other ignite an internal flame when they first touched, or would there be too much nervous tension, to relax and be who they had come to know?
If this flame did grow and create a uncontrollable fire, would the flames consume them for evermore? Would there be tears of joy and exaltation, as they explored each others' eyes, bodies, souls, minds?
Caressing every inch of her taut curvaceous body, breathing in her sweet fragrance, would only heighten his pleasure sensors. Wanting to please this incredible woman, this friend, this soul mate, was all that he wanted since he could remember.
He rang the bell. She answered with a smile that made him melt and his knees almost buckled underneath him as he said βHelloβ.
Yes I think it will be very warm with an extremely good chance for rain.