Entertaining an angel unawares is not an everyday thing; Playing a guitar in solemn solitude.
Being loved is beautiful But please, set that caged bird free When held, I don't want to be smothered.
True freedom is too rare A PC for company can be so demanding You are making tea; the child wants some chicken I want some of your love Is that so hard to understand!
Pictures on the wall, fresh fruit The metre's (quickly) running away Find it to forgive yourself; find it to forgive others Guess you gotta hide within your own mind.
A sibling bored chez lui A stand cradles somebody's scribblings Stars are sometimes too far to reach.
Where is this promised windfall?
S T, 5 May 2013
Written 1993.
Was hesitant to post, 'cos content so seemingly disconnected....but, let me not fear..for, ironic context sits smack bang within the title!
Also, this one's structure flies in the face of all rhythm and rhyme. Thwack! If ye like not it...hey, man...sure ain't gonna cry buckets over it, ok. Life's short enough, as it is ......lol
Sometimes, we gotta be content...seeketh not too muchlyeth....lol