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Apr 2013
Dear Lord
I am praying this special prayer to ask you
If you would consider letting Mommie come there with you
I know that Grandma and Grandpa are happy in heaven
So is it ok if Mommie comes there and start living?
Lord I know that I didn’t eat my peas yesterday
And wouldn’t share my toys when I went out to play
When I shouldn’t in school I talked to my friend
I know these things have to end
Lord I take all of the blame
Will you Lord forgive me of these things?
I promise I’ll do better next time
But Mommie doesn’t have any crimes
Last night she tucked me in bed
Said good night then she kissed my forehead
This morning she came and kiss me to wake me
She had breakfast on the table so we could eat
I helped her clean the table  of dishes
She said I was a good helper and called me a little Misses
She helped me get dressed  as she sang a song
Then tickled me the time seemed long
Then she put me in the car and took me to school
She dropped me off then watching over her I gave that job to you
They say that the man was drinking and driving his car
I’m not mad at him deep in my heart
I know it was  truly an accident
Hurting my Mommie wasn’t what he meant
I am just praying this special prayer to ask you
If Mommie can come and be one of your angles too?
A Michaelle Yarbrough
     K Balachandran, Mike Winegar, E B and Timothy
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