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Apr 2013
My name is Ben
I am ten
I’m down by the glen

It’s quite lonely here
Just me, Dad and the deer

We’ve ran away, you see
I don’t know who’s looking for me
My mam and maybe Lucy who’s three

My mam wanted us to go
Away from Dad, and all I know

To make a fresh start
In some foreign part
I told Dad, he called mum a ****
and said over his dead body
Was she taking me

I went for my usual stay
Every Sunday was Dad’s day
He asked me did I want a few days of school
We’d take a trip, I said “cool”

It feels like forever we’ve been here
Me, dad and the deer
I miss my mam, wish she were here
I even miss Lucy, who I thought I didn’t like
But I wish i could hold the little tyke

My name is Ben
I am ten
I’m down by the glen
Written by
Susan O'Reilly  F/Ireland
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