They were Dante's doors I saw and they were opened wide. Devil dogs and demons too all stepped in to outside of hell. The mission bell was rung as the Pastor slowly hung to death the fiery breath of Satan baked upon his face. Hail Mary full of grace take my sins and put them in the ******* bins and I will sin no more. Dante's door has done for me and I can see the error of my ways. Praise the Lord and all of that religion stuff just get me far enough away so Satan cannot call to say 'you belong to me' I've repented can't you see? and though it was a quick decision it doesn't need any revision I will be good and read the holy book. Please don't let that demon f*ck with me..oops. well I expect you've heard much worse Have you ever heard my verse? I rehearse you know please don't let the Devil know where I am.