He holds me tightly with warm embrace. His hands pull me into his beating chest. Like galloping horses his heart starts to race. His heart whispers forever stay.
What lips, his lips, what emotions they create. With heated passion, they roam, they travel. As his lips linger leaving me in a frozen state. His kisses plead don’t go away.
Those eyes stare deeper than they can see. They pierce through my inner being. What love in his eyes, his love grows free. Stay in my presence his eyes persuades me.
When he laughs, what a cheerful sound. That creates an inner joy in me. And when he smiles, my heart falls down. I know that he wants me to stay around.
And because he’s telling me stay forever. Through every action that he portrays. Just because I’ll leave him never, I’ll stay, I’ll stay forever.
Because I’m telling you stay too. Forever, I’ll stay, forever with you. Forever I’ll stay, forever with you.