It hurts when they are gone. Many men cry when they are alone. Some never ever imagine them been gone. But nothing is promise forever. So we should cherish there when they are here. Cause it hurt when they are gone.
Many daughters comprehend this more. Many reminds you totally of them. From the things they do. From the things they say. But like I said. Nothing last forever.
Being rebellious might seems cool then. But when you lose one. You lost a good friend. Now, if you lose two. That's when your lonliness really begins.
Yes, you have the memories. But you lost your very best of friends. These folks, we simply call parents.
Who guided you? Who molded you? Who taught the golden rule to you? And didn't take much off of you.
Temper tandrum was jumping rope. That was one area you didn't want to go. You wonder, how others got that far. When knowing your parents brought them to a stop. Oh, it hurt when they are gone.
You take, what you was taught? And try to adjust. But loving parents don't come often in your life. So, it hurt when they are gone.
Pictures brings back good and sad memories. When you realize you could have been a better child. But somethings we all regret to late. And would have changed them, if we only had one more chance. But this one case, where it can't be? So you hold on to those comfortable memories. While it still hurt when they are gone.
Each person hurt in different ways. But when one loses a parent. You comprehend their pain. Cause you have been there. And although life isn't fair. In most cases you knew your parent cared.