The Bishop on the radio playing solo to an audience he cannot see makes me think of loneliness. Perhaps his Holiness the Pope can keep me company with the radio and the BBC.
This Bishop's drooling blood and guts, damnation and hellfire Jeez, I'm glad that I'm not in the choir.
I find religion is like a game of chess move a pawn and get reborn Blessed are the knights and those other things which turn out to be the Queens that run rings around the Kings. Which again in turn brings me back to the Bishop care of Radio Shack.
Yes. Sunday being a day of rest and recuperation is the day we atone for the sins of the nation. I get down on my knees and pray, Say dear Lord don't punish me for being so bored with this there's only so much bliss a man can take please make the sermon stop.
The Bishop on the radio will never know I heard him speak and no doubt next week he'll speak again of eternal pain and such. I touch the good book by my bed and switch off the radio. I think he's said enough.