i want to fall in love the way kids do- diving right into
the kind of love that doesn't have to be intimate or serious, (because in all seriousness, intimacy scares me)
the kind of love that makes a girl want to tip her head back and laugh, just for the hell of it
the kind of love that doesn't need labels or reassurance because none of it really matters when together is all that's on anyone's mind
the kind of love that happens on the beach during summer in converse and cutoffs and slushies and corntoss
the kind of love that happens ever day right in my back yard that i can't seem to find in anyone anymore
sorry, this isn't even poetry really. i just needed to get thoughts off my mind. this'll be deleted in a few hours. or at least by tomorrow night.
seriously though, florida makes falling love (or infatuation) way too easy and way too hard all at once. on one hand, it's impossible not to because of beaches and icecream and warped tour and guitarists and corntoss and music scene that is way too good. there are too many options and people and places and things to fall in love with. meanwhile, you grow up watching all the summer romance movies and reading all the books and then reality is just like ***, nobody really cares about each other like that. either your the best of friends or you get into a relationship and either you (a) suddenly hate each other, or (b) somebody wants to elope, leaving the other person feeling flattered but totally awkward and everything ends disastrously.