There we sat barely clothed at a close distance With the expected surprise A broken connection with hazardous protection Getting rid of our numb feelings With a low high The inception to our world A love begins- a drug within- a calm turmoil. The tiny elephant in the room that met our demise Two souls hidden behind true lies But, the truth lied Before our four eyes I handed you the two sterling gold spoons while I close the blinds in the rooms Crush a bit, bigger bit...****: That's my retreat of happiness. I remember that last look, before we duck our heads to the side, The last time we are who we really are, stare into my eyes Before we lose our conscious beings and drift to the other side... Oh that bumpy it's 5am Traffic. Bumper to Bumper out of lethargic habit. Your last forced smile before you turned white. Shaking you I screamed, "Wake up! Please wake up, come back to this side!" The foam rushed creased out your lips like the sandy morning tide. With each breath you faintly exhaled, I watched as you died. I always thought you would have came back from being gone, It was the oxy that killed you as I watched... *****. Omnipotent Kids, Ignorant God. We had it all wrong.