There was tension between the families from the start My best friend's wedding was certainly one for the record books I tried to bring sensible mediation to the dance floor As his Grandpa Helmar raised his walking cane and struck the Brides Father in the neck
Each of the families allegiance spurned combative retribution and all Hell broke loose I took one for the team with a sac of Jordan Almonds to the right eye Then slipped on the wedding gift of excrement left by the ring bearer, the family poodle I came to consciousness wet with champagne thrown in my face, I thanked my wife for caring.
Aunt Sarrah, in her drunken zeal, thought it wise to toss all her cookies in the Reverend's face The Bride's mother slapped an unsuspecting cousin with her overly expensive oversized hat And the Groom's sister's dress was ripped to shreds by the Bride's teenage niece Yes. the same dress that my wife said was hideous and did nothing for her.
The two parties had not much to say to each other in the waiting room of the ER bandages and gauze were passed around like Hors d'oeuvres, but not the Bayer Aspirin We all watched in shameful disgust, the videographer's collection of memories The next day as the Bride and Groom opened their gifts
And I, sporting a keen black patch, a pirate only his wife could love... Reminded my dear friend of the possible outcome of having two reception menus One honoring him and his family and one honoring his Bride and her family Highlighted by KΓΆnigsberger Klopse, and respectively, Gefilte Fish with carrots