I have 116 poems to read And even fewer cares to give I'm thinking less than 10 But greater than 9
In a sense, this is to say I'm sorry I'll probably never read you Don't take this the wrong way I hardly remember to get on to write. Maybe someday, when everything chills down I'll be able to spend my day burning a cigar Drinking in all your beautiful words, Your wonderful idiosyncrasies And every little feeling you leave behind with every single letter you type
But listen, as of now, I'm swamped Life is coming at me from all sides, and if I weren't to make an excuse: I just don't give it enough time. Take this community, and love me? Actually do what you want, I'm not your boss. Just know that I'm sorry for not paying attention You're not a red-headed step-child You're the family that lives far away I don't call them either.
I feel bad, because everyone here writes so beautifully, and there's a reason I followed them in the first place; however, here, at university, I have *no* time. So, I pop in to write and be thankful for all those who enjoy what I write, but not much else. God Bless, Guys. Sorry I'm not around.