You say you understand me And it feels nice Because it's 4am and we're connecting Because everything is exaggerated at 4am When the masks come off and the room is dark and there are 5 other people asleep on the floor When our whispers are raspy because we've been yelling for hours And the glow of the xbox lights our faces, because we forgot to turn it off And I tell you things that I've never told anyone Not even the people I tell everything The things I swore to myself I would keep secret forever But it's 4am And we prank called my crush and yours and everyone's exes And we talked about dating and *** and we laughed until the parents had to yell at us We ate pizza and chips and I felt like part of the group for the first time Because maybe I was Because you cared enough about me to poor your heart out and catch the contents of mine But who knows if you meant it Because it was 4am