In a very distant land I believe there is a King; he is old decrepit and withered; no Servants and no Knaves beside him; no Queen to be the solace of his miserable Being; he perched upon his throne and Do nothing but beholds his sank in Calamity Kingdom; the old tokens of His Might and Sway may still be visible; Bearing no power though; his mantle is Crimson but dusty and shabby; Somewhere even stiffened and resembles A crust; his skin is placid and paled and Peeling with flakes which fall and mound near au pied of his throne; no sounds Resound but his moans and groans From pain or from despair or some other Misery is not known; but the thing that is True is the fact that he suffers and craves For the former boons; he wishes his plight Was restored to that of an ephebe; but Alas; leave all thy hopes thou King since Long Ago of Nothing; forsaken is thy Kingdom, come no prosper to thee nor Posterity will thrive nor any herb will reside These barren lands of yours; for we reap What we sow and when thou sowest Tempest Thou shalt reap the sprouts of Despondency