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Dec 2019
1.Findrouement: to realize the excesses of hedonism by personal experience to motivate your qualms
2.Egintoch: Puritanism enabled by Churchism of eisegesis of the bible that is overly restrained
3.Wamzel: Someone whose peccatiphobia outweighs their ability to adventure with moderate restraint
4.Artwrench: Someone whose art is diminished by conformity of the broader world of kitsch
5.Efflamen: A celebrity who is rarely heralded or held in high esteem because of social pressures
6.Drimple: a cute personal eccentricity only observed after a long-time dating
7.Flarmey: A hardly newsworthy event designed to enslave people to a narrative that are dull
8.Trimscreet: Someone obsessed by petty details of organization and neat habits
9.Troudasque: A pertinacious flirt who goes straight to the point for ****** encounters
Alienavesce: The act of self-distancing yourselves to people with bold intellects
Yundimber: Self-sabotage by being too conscientious of oneself
Potvagrant: someone who becomes a different person when drunk than sober
Gimdermang: an obsessive visagist of the English Language who is unsatisfied even with satisdiction
Tralleyripped: so obsessed with vanity as a girl that they never start conversations unless asked
Grindole: someone who rarely smiles even in beatific circumstance
Trinkadour: someone enslaved by an acquisitive mindset of proffered consumerism
Tytanium: the alchemy of ill-fated love that ends poorly because of excessive initial fascination
Cordslave: someone so tethered to technology they forget the intellectual world because of diversion
Indentilation: craving for desperate attention by signaling through social media or otherwise
Hambasket: a comfort-eater who gains weight because of depression
Gourdinance: a euphoric interlude in a rock music song that is plangent with euphoria
Slellum: a mediocre part of a good song that turns people away
Terresting: someone imprisoned by mundane considerations and myopia rather than providence
Flargentum: hidden meanings in songs widely missed because they are obscure or unexpected
Porlecked: a feeling you get when you realize someone is insincere or just plain stupid
Nimongue: rapid-fire insight expressed elegantly to impress people
Flargent: so domineered by aleatory lability that their lives become soap-operas of histrionics
Deskandent: the tedium of working menial jobs especially when overqualified
Ertiminasque: the inelegant narrative fiction of the commonplace used to usurp the sciamachies of reality
Whartonize: to turn independent minded people into smug elitists through indoctrination
Transekond: a song that is memorialized because of hedonistic sprees of youth remembered in nostalgia
Frappern: the alteration of musical appreciation caused by having an audience of discriminative listeners
Slivverdeck: crafty gambles based on nothing but intuitive instinct that prove rotten
Fatewrench: a slow corrosion of faith based on nothing more than bad happenstance
Rindstretch: a situation where there are no possible people to talk to that are single
Clorence: a devoted sincerity to every facet of love imaginable: complete devotion
Grimscravel: a delight in histrionics as a social engineering gambit because of rampant stupidity
Flagstench: the moral opprobrium of jingoistic circumstance that arouses countermanded hatred
Redstrall: the opposition and isolation of Republican white men by feminists and liberals
Bluepomp: the bumptious belief that progressive onolatry is a ‘woke’ witeless movement that should be obeyed with hortatory even violent force
crinkman: a prophet blessed by God to deliver new wisdom
Waterdrip: the tortuous progression of time leading to a certain preordained outcome
kendarme: when everyone knows who you are but pretend otherwise esp. for corruption
finkly: being powerless to change circumstances
ergotall: a big consequence to a minor action in a positive direction
ergotile: a small consequence to a big action in either a positive or negative direction
flarium: music that traveled to the past from the present or the future
thillore: subpar art that receives rave reviews because it is flippant and no other reason
stringoche: insular self-obsession
frizzlounge: a popular spot for status-obsessed patrons
hyjamb: a gridlock in Washington D.C. by design
hikkle: rejection of popular consensus on wall street (usu. To great personal gain)
arknick: a frenzy common to only one of several urban areas because of provincial paroxysm’
reginkeer: the threshold of trust needed to sustain an intimate relationship
trimpoline: buoyant because of good looks or constant luck
Esauline: someone who trades their birthright to corporate slavery
Jolk: the obsession with foofaraw on the internet
Jolker: someone who does dangerous or stupid things to get internet famous
wrathcheque: money made off of a disaster especially artificial
wragatek: evil technocracy seeking biometrics on everyone
wragapole: overpowering docile stupidity that makes humanity easier to tame
qwippa: someone powerful who is poor
zenkidu: antediluvian knowledge that survives
harprick: to use incisive reasoning to demoralize an opponent in an argument
harraitim: the people that believe I am a prophet
graklon: the people that are trying to enslave me
graklongeur: intellectual persecution instituted from the top-down
trillom: fake activism done for propinquenege
drawflark: an overstated estimate of sea water levels caused by climate change (both sun and man)
retchallop: to dehumanize someone by enlisting the giant tortoise with hackencrude
retchanvil: to be an outspoken critic of a topic considered tacenda but imponent on all affairs
wipple: a minor moral mistake overstated for expediency
dratrenk: a lucrative trend created by venality
yording: a former believer who has flagging faith
francketor: a complete genius at metacognition
whindmast: a very sharp conversationalist in all circumstances
gentreng: something vogue to honest intellectuals but few others
wesperm: unfavorable situation for men in general
chawme: catchy low-key deep house for quiet moments
trikongue: making dishonest promises in an election
tallespin: to gloat over victory in a videogame
troponder: challenging the limits of imagination that goes too far astray from reality
underminnow: misrepresentation by a brief soundbite
ryesolagnus: someone who uses LSD
frapplank: a profligate gambler who wastes his family fortune
intorgurent: someone who overstates the value of ritual (especially ritualized contrition)
hinkerg: an obstacle to obtaining power
inslambous: a predatory flirt with so-called ‘toxic masculinity’
jamble: to bet a small wager on a risky bet
fropollow: a sedentary **** smoker who prefers solitude
trimkoppa: a warped parent who teaches non-binary values
florew: a mathematical or logistic axiom that is believed to be correct but turns out to be incomplete or arranged in an insufficient way to pave the future
alloreck: the downsides to being famous (privacy especially)
flipcreek: change of TV or media habits
commerstargal: the incubation of TV commercials in your head affecting buying decisions
spikelund: betting on the stock market based on the names of the companies involved
flonky: 50s era nostalgic feel relating to a pop culture artifact
resselenque: the examination of high art  by modern standards
stigstall: a stalemate between nefarious forces and righteous ones that limits the extent of thaumaturgy
crosslinger: a prominent leader of religious devotion without a formal title
errundle: a desultory way of comportment that leaves you stranded
brocrawler: someone with very heightened expressive intelligence that isn’t a wernique
flindagger: someone whose preoccupation with *** damages their conduct
stretchgrave: people from the past who knew in detail about artifacts from the future
hamparthia: someone recovering from a personal defect in a heroic way
presstungular: a code of conduct that restrains mediagenic disclosure that everyone agrees on tacitly
rapknock: impediments and obstacles to fame based on circumstance and pedigree only
floundrewl: conditioned to believe that people that die in disasters or otherwise deserved death or otherwise wouldn’t be missed
yeltincture: the disadvantage of being vocal about provincial issues
flambaste: to discover personal secrets and use them as an overhang to compel obeisance
grambazzle: someone who ages quickly because they do too many drugs
grambounce: moderate indulgence in ******* on the weekends
wravel: to expound upon minutiae in an enlightened way
torpindage: intimidating people about the mafia by using  TV and Movies to make them seem more violent
Yulliver: a hypersensitive person who is easily intimidated by circumstance
hinderbaggle: the cumulative effect of plastic on pollution around the world
lavondeur: a volcanic tirade of recrimination against a baseless accusation
primposition: to try to use prison politics to endear violence or ****** aberration
stultimathy: the art of lampooning people with divergent ideas
rendavation: the diversification of entertainment on YouTube creating mismatches in syntalities
abaddon: the crestfallen feeling you get when hype is overstated
glamborge: a surfeit of pretentious glamour that treacles too quickly to have lasting value
tempcoverage: a preordained song lyric or movie reference referring to the future before it happens
whistlemonger: someone who touts their knowledge of secrets too openly
flyndresque: a restless nonconformity to hidebound standards flaunted for attention and regarded as vogue
whadronque: a concerted effort by the media to hide an inconvenient truth for boondoggles
kilmarge: an untidy mess that exacerbates the tongue of the puritans
Written by
Julian  32/M/Denver
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