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Dec 2019
In the golden castle on the plains of a forgotten valley
The princess dances in her ballroom full glass once again
Her feet became accustomed to shards on the floors
They don't bleed no more , the princess can dance freely on them .
"Painless "she thinks I am forever painless now.
I can finally dance with a smile on face and lose myself in the rhythm of the music"
The words however haven't even left the darkest part of her mind yet
When the royal court came barging, slamming doors while screaming in high pitched voices cause the loose shards to topple from the glass wall that encases her. Leaving cuts on her exposed skin as she sinks to her knees from pain crying her tears mixing with blood on the floor.
The court, stares in disappointment at mess they caused but blame her.
The more they scream the more glass topples down from the disruption to rythm that kept cemented in their wall.
Bored by the spectacle in front them they walk away without even a apology nevermind an helping hand ,leaving the princess in a heap on the floor to mend her own cuts and bruises, the ones they caused.
And the story continues
Written by
Carla  20/Cisgender Female/Auckland
(20/Cisgender Female/Auckland)   
     Bogdan Dragos and Carla
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