If you had told me Remove your attire I would have done that Without hesitation
If you had told me Give your head on a plate I would have done that happily
If one has to feel the LOVE One can not dictate one's own terms One has to just surrender To one's BELOVEDz
LOVERz change the grammar of languages The grammar of life if the case be Rebel and revolt is the bone of LOVE But a LOVERz revolution is never To harm, hurt, hate, hit anyone The LOVERz revolution is to transform Transcend - take someone back to What they were born with - Innocence!
LOVE is the feeling that Someone has arrived... Someone will stay for long That someone is feel within BELOVEDz LOVE...
Why I say this is.... Because I feelย ย Illumination within me Passed on to me By my BELOVEDz
LOVE can not be the fashion or fad LOVE has to be felt from within Not from mind, thoughts, intelligence, logic But from the inner being and soul
My BELOVEDz is made of The same six elements As me, you and as everyone else But it requires A LOVERz eyes to see The LOVE beyond Those six elements of life That is what I see in my BELOVEDz
A real religious person Can understand religion But will never be able to Accept receive LOVE In the same way BELOVEDz shares Energies of LOVE In the same way A LOVERz receives Those LOVE vibes
Such is my BELOVEDz
Now whom to sing my LOVE song to? Which street to walk and dance?
When I passed The town of my BELOVEDz No door or window was open Except that of my BELOVEDz Who peeped out her LOVE for me Shining through the sparkling eyes Within the soul of my heart
I kept the windows and doors Of my heart and soul open For the inner mirror to Reflect my BELOVEDz LOVE
When fate threw The flowers of LOVE on us Both felt LOVE in nature's creation Just like two heart's meeting
There one hears music There one sees rivers Flowing into the oceans There one see the nature dancing Those are the seeds from where Our LOVE is born