I'm not a nobody or no one But I'm not much a someone either. You'd remember me at a mention Yet forget me just as quick. Saying my full name, rolling off your tongue, Like an old sticker, still I don't stick. When I'm needed, I'm convenient. When I'm not, I simply fade. It's ok, it's probably for the best that way.
I'm not a nobody like Emily But I feel we would see eye to eye She would be a nobody and I would be an I If the public were all frogs, Maybe I would be a fly? We wouldn't be a pair, that's fair But quiet, banish us? They still might.
I'm not much of a someone like you. Not to say I wish I was. I'd be too nervous to tell the truth Trying to do the things a someone does. While everyone knew how to be, I left to leave, simply being a me.