Waiting for the world to happen There's a whole lot of distant staring
A cold fog galavants around town And thickens in the glaring
The glass of my eyes crack As the world looks back And asks Where I am going
But I couldn't reply Because of my Lack of Knowing
I'm just waiting for the world to happen I hear its going to end in some dramatic fashion Yeah I've lost my passion And everything I write deserves a trash can
There's a whole lot of distant staring And a whole lot of prayers for someone caring
I hear there's hope in the end If I just pretend There's a god out there To help me with the coping
Yeah I wish I was joking While I'm waiting for the world to happen I was hoping I could hold your hand and Disappear in the moment passing
I know I sound creepy To want a woman who needs me Because without one I feel myself weaken I'm like the last of the mohicans Hoping to last longer than this weekend
Waiting for the world to happen I wish I could be like everybody else laughing As the world revolves I resolve to just forget about it all While I'm photographin'