Tonight I ponder purpose, a reason for existance, the force to my resistance, and food for my superstitions.
What am I, a producer or consumer? who am I, the savior or the ender?
I live to wonder why and how to compromise these feelings deep inside this organic device.
Icll pay the price to my destiny lender while waiting still for my untimely surrender but first a question to the future:
where is your expectation under examination? I need some inclination, a simple indication, perspiration of inspiration.
The sun could shine through yet my space is always shaded. I'll try to block my eyes to the half that's always jaded; make tribulations no longer be berated.
Someone give me the weight I've waited to feel for so long because my body aches for a chance to grow strong.
Meh... I realize this one seems unfinished (it is) but I don't have anything else to add.