it feels like a needle through your nose except without the pain you're nothing but a disappointment after disappointment our eyes locked in the coffee shop but my trembling heart could not tell you just how i ... my mind is a jumble high school was the worst best years of my life a razor never cuts deeper than rejection and a fear of failure stopped me from kissing the girl i thought was cute getting kicked out of my house is an unfulfilled dream i want you to get so angry it hurts and a punch to the face would help me more than god or molly i want what is bad for me but i can never pull the trigger on my romanticized downward spiral herion addicts are my secret heroes but i was born in the wrong century but but but but i make nothing but excuses see what i did there? if i was sixteen again i'd cut my wrists and be happier because i never took chances or danced on the floor just sat on the wall in a constant of existing but never really living i'd rather be depressed than happy and every second that ticks by is a second i regret asiwatchmydreamswiltanddietellingmyselfthattomorrowillgetoffmylazyassandlivethewayiwantyetitsbeenfiveyearsandihavenothingtoshowformyselfexceptafewtattoosafewpiercingsandthisdeepdarkcornerofmymindthatpraysfordeathonadailybasisandthinksabouthowillkillmyselfwhenimthirtyfiveandrealizewhatifailureiamandhowihadeverychanceotmakesomethingofmyselfbutinsteadecidedtolayinmybedandstareatmyceilinghatingeveryminutethatiwasntfuckingagirlordrinkingmyselftoapointwhereicouldonlythinkabouthowtheworldfeelsjustrightwhenimpukingupmylunchinthebathroomandsleepingonthetileflooraloneagainandidaskthegodtokillmebuthedratherseemesufferwhatafuckingprick ***** **** up loser