mauve and red on azure hue jacarandas, flame trees and summer blue that time again of heat and inappropriate rituals
we grew here and santa clause flew here! who does he think he is?
roast dinners while paul kelly asks who will make the gravy
bush fire victims needy of funding while millions are spent on fireworks as though there wasn’t enough smoke or air pollution
families who avoid each other through the year gather with cheap coloured paper hats and pull the ritual bonbon and tell bad puns to fill the gaps in conversation and the cicadas sing out the banality, the ennui
while cashed up families tow caravans up and down the coast to camping area suburbias and celebrate their right to overeat and drink beer their god given entitlement to be strayan and talk about queue jumpers
that’s why i make my own ritual based on the good things of that time ...
respite from daily routine time for quiet reflection on the worth of who you are and who you’ve helped
the things about xmas in australia that i don’t like