Need so much Got so little Is it enough? I wanna do more Could I become someone else? I need this opportunity! Will someone try to stop me?
I currently stay in a rehab where they put u on a 30 day blackout & I just been uploading my resume to a bunch of job sites & I got a call about a stay at home job where u just receive packages they pay for shipping & handling through pay pal then u take pictures of the condition of the product upload it too your own personal account online they made for u & print a new shipping address delete the old one & take it too fed ex they pay $45-$50 for each package payable every Saturday, now this is simple work except the fact I can't leave anywhere because I'm on blackout I don't have a printer to print the shipping label & how am I supposed to transport the package? I'm already in there system I should pull out but instead I'm complying hoping the rehab could help me but honestly I doubt they would.