Procrastination? What is that I've never heard of such a thing. But maybe because I'm to busy procrastinating to hear it, I am mike, I am not a poet, a leader, a storyteller, or an academic, I am a dreamer, a gamer, a man of many things, I would rather let life pass me by and sit in my game, Than to deal with the drama of reality. It is not that I don't like reality, It is that reality is too busy, With school and work Facebook and friends Learning and imagining Are they even one in the same I love my games because it allows my mind to run wild From building empires in Minecraft to taming creatures in Pokemon Games are a way I can re envision my world They allow kids to show their creative side something education removed long ago. So I stand before you asking, What is procrastination, I'd rather play my game and imagine. My life seems to pass by but in my one life span I have lived dozens of others.