LOVERz do not take permission For finding their peace In each other's soul They simply do - they find LOVE In each other's pores
Life squeeze out so much pain for us LOVEz dripped out of our souls And is sipped as nectar by us...
All the dreamz of life stood shattered When we en flamed our hearts and Stepped out to show our LOVEz
We who stand tall in LOVEz Have breached all life's barriers
The one who falls in LOVE Has given off all life's learning They say "You take all..." So that LOVERz can Show up at the door step At the very moment Played by the flute of the fate
We walk around like Shadows of each other But don't be mistaken... We are still each other's LOVERz
Look into our eyes - Oh world...! We are carrying the image Of our soul-mate within us
May be through our sacrificial gape We've attained this repute Of not using the dramatics of words Through the lingering memories of LOVE
Who cares, what we say or write Let us LOVEz each other Let us show them true "LOVE..!"
This world offers nothing Thus for each other's sake, We left everything With that type of REBELLION We created our "LOVE" for each other
Though we do not meet often It does not matter much As we live always within each other's soul
Such painful grieving LOVE of ours Is indeed a success of our LOVING
LOVERz are "we" - such as...
The tears of Layla falls out From the eyes of Romeo
The wounds of Zuliet are seen As scars on Majnun's skin