i feel much safer with animals than people, i tend to close off when i'm scared of crowds or another human being and what's going to happen in an encounter that is real and somewhere along the deathbeds i forgot any other way to be i guess it is the unreal i'm afraid of
life seems long, it's not real or nothing that's all i can survive silence i can do but true silence not the silence barb-wired with lies
denial cannot keep death away and in the meantime suffocates life god has gotten this longtime prodigal-thief, petri dish of strange and deadly parasites, ready to be alive
ready to be part of a revolution of values, a conversation of justice, a consciousness of peace and love
despair and fear-of-failing have broken my legs and back and neck for long enough, i do everything knowing i will fail
and that's okay because you know this really is not about me, not at all
i'm ready to be happily lost in the jungle of life because i am happily found