I'm brown skinned with black marks to add The black marks add the extra hue to my skin But I'm being crucified because of it I'm being disregarded because of it I'm being ignored because of it I'm being hated because of it I'm being disrespected because of it I'm being discouraged because of it It was supposed to be a bound art of recites upon skin A simple brown black piece to be admired A symbol to walk with pride and adoration I'm brown skinned with black marks to add The black marks add the extra hue to my skin Searched for certain little sin on the black marks added to my skin have I wronged anyone? By not choice but by if nature has chosen To paint a sacred black spots on a brown skin Black spotted brown skin if not clear brown skin As happy as I will be As proud as I will be Words of the world's eye may not bruise part of my heart I'm brown skinned with black marks to add The black marks add the extra hue to my skin As grateful I shall become
By :kaledynthinks
I somehow feel uncomfortable with my skin but I should stand proud right?