While on this voyage keep your windows clean because if you break down you can still enjoy the view as the world goes by because about the time you learn to make the most of life most of it is gone but age is a matter of the mind - if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
realize that anyone can get old, all you have to do is live long enough because it takes a long time to become old.
Learn that it is not about getting a chance but it is about taking a chance and understand that we are strong because we are weak and we are beautiful because we have flaws and we are fearless because we have been afraid and wise because we have been foolish.
As the world goes by I am left with coils of memory as the time flies whether we are having fun or not but at least I have learned to know the difference between a good love and a bad love and that is simple - a good love never ends and in the end love is the only thing we are left with after all is said and done.
I have gone from long hair to longing for hair and from acid rock to acid reflux and from rocking out with the Rolling Stones to being worried about having kidney stones but I still rock and roll and will till I die and that is no lie.
I don't know when or how it happened and I never saw it coming going from tight bulging muscles and a flat stomach and a full head of brown hair now replaced with folds and salt and pepper thined out hair along with a gray beard and bones that need care and fall I don't dare.
Once upon a time eyes like an eagle able to pick off a VC at 1200 yards with one shot and one **** in a far away war time won't forget in that far away place so long ago but now my focus is slow and I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then.
If only I could stop my mind but a man is not old as long as he is seeking something and growing old is nothing more than a bad habit which a busy man has no time to form.
Know that you are young at any age if we are still planning for a tomorrow and as the world flies by we have to realize that it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not and remember that you were born an original so don't die a copy. Jon York 2013