Has anyone told you the pain we all feel? when we sit in the darkness of our rooms and we burst out the rivers that are compressed by the masks we hold Has anyone told you that we are not attention seekers? when we inflict the straight lines on our innocent skin and we cover because it's our secret Has anyone told you that words are the most powerful thing alive? so when you throw your words like a ball in the air and we cry in your face its because it hurts, it kills it breaks us.
Has anyone told you that feeling low is not a joke? so when you tell us to move on its been years, weeks, days even minutes we cant push the sadness hiding the monster sleeping in our black hearts away. the monster isn't letting go of us. Has anyone told you that we are one step to shooting the pain away as each day goes by Our heart cries and our sadness laughs we are on the step to ending the brutal suffering after all how much can one take?
Has anyone told you that anyone with mental health no matter how bad is one community? we are in this journey together. so if you judge them, you judge us.