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Oct 2019
He once had an eye
That sought beauty in stars and trees
He once had a nose
That smelled aromas of his mother’s delicious meals
He once had lips
That kissed his beloved behind an old, dark street
He once had a pretty face
Beaming at the world
Yet they recognized his corpse
From his heart shaped tattoo.
Yesterday there was a series of protests in Iraq against corruption, 42 died and more than two thousands were injured, the pictures and videos of the victims are much worse than this poem.
So much blood was shed. Pray for us.

P.s I apologize for sharing those disturbing news on this site, but those who died were people with hopes and dreams and stories, they were more than numbers, they were important and they died for a dream of a better life.
Written by
Sarah  21/F/Iraq
       Random Guy, ---, Crow and Bogdan Dragos
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