I had hope that the sun will shine I had hope that the dawn will come I thought i had a chance brighter days will come they say I had faith that it was my time But some how i lost it all in an instant
I never wanted to hurt "If i had thought my wrds through " My mind tells me But once spilt, you cant recollect it Cant take back wat i said But it wasnt out of spite I guess i get to exprience another dusk be4 a dawn
Im tired of being in the dark Waitn for dawn so i can see wats in my head and wats real. For my nightmares walk free in the dark And my head filled with fantasies I want it to come ..... My mind is falling apart My heart losing heat I feel cold I just cant wait for dawn
Constantly seeking a place to hide Trying to cover up my mistakes with more mistakes I keep coming back to my past Both in mind and matter A pitch black maze I'm failing to navigate Doing this and doing that A pain that pills and potions can't solve A hole that alcohol and drugs can't fill I need a new light I need dawn..... I wanna wake up tomorrow And live a new day
Have u ever wanted something or someone so bad..... but you just cant reach