The very day I swore I’d never talk to you again was the very day I saw you again Your stupid denim jacket Aren’t you cold? We hugged under the bleachers like we were dying Please don’t stop at just a hug You didn’t sit by me You sat three people away from me Why would you hurt me in this way In 40 degree weather You knew I was there because you kept glancing And glancing And then you let me know you were going to the concession stand So I followed But did not talk to you So is his how it’s going to be? Like the sun and the moon? You make me want to die And then spend the rest of my life with you Please Don’t Stop At Just A Hug Peanut M&Ms The scent of leather jackets Plastic pink beads Arguments after the football game Quiet walks with old men Red hondas Pumpkin ice cream Staying out past curfew Getting kicked out of Walmart Please don’t hurt me this time Because you know I’ll give you more chances