Just as there's light, there's darkness in everyone's life. It's stark, shadowing sunlight, and doesn't yield. Just how is anyone meant to jauntily thrive in an ostentatious world meant to shield Beading, beating eyes from those that suffer from vicious, bleeding lies?
A pawn cannot decide where it lies in the everchanging game of fate that is its life being puppeteered by monsters who make their pieces suffer from their callous thrones that do not yield. For they always use an invisible shield to ensure that they always thrive.
In such a world, how is it we are meant to thrive? Sinking deeper and deeper in blatant lies of the quixotic dreams of old to shield the simple fact that we are taught to live a life where we stand subservient and yield the abuses of those in power who make us suffer.
For such a long time we were taught to suffer through storming skies. Beaten, impossible to thrive. Time can wither our ability to yield the pain inflicted by those who tell noxious lies. A sunken arrow into our psyche to devastate life worth living and love that cannot hide though any shield.
What else other than our love do they want to shield? Without, there is no cure for those who suffer and carry on with the hardships of life. We live in those pockets of light and thrive in a different world where we banish the lies that our worth is measured in what we yield.
Despite my pride, there are the times where I yield to those shadows in the sky. Yet you shield the rain and I can see where that crescent lies above our heads. Cease what we suffer, the moonlight sonata within tries to reach out and I thrive from your touch of endless life.
I know it seems we're predetermined to suffer But take my hand and we'll thrive as I try to hold onto the fragments of this life.
I started this as an assignment two years ago. I finally finished.