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Oct 2019
I crave
I burn
I ache
to lick the salt
from your skin
to breathe you
inhale every atom
all 7*10(27)
of them
feed this
elemental need
bury my face
in your musk
I must
I must
I must
taste you
ravish you
with kisses
your magnet pulls
with orbital force
pulls me
from the pit of my belly
drives me
to press my skin
against your skin
no air between us
heat of our bodies
fusing skin to skin
feeding the fire within
your breath
breathing my name
love caught in the moans
sets my body alight
with desire
with love
with longing
I want to hold you inside me
carry you with me
saturate you
with my love
mixing elixirs
I am lost in you
in bliss.

© J.C. 11/10/2019 3.03am
Jayne E
Written by
Jayne E  F/New Zealand
(F/New Zealand)   
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