Great ***** of fire, dart through the bones. That muscle pumps ridged ****** stones. The bitterness won’t leave her alone. Alone, the bitterness left her home. Home could not be found for help. In search she went beyond herself. Beyond her thoughts, she started to yelp. She yelped until emotions no longer were felt. Out of the blue, she felt this soothing breeze, That cooled her bones that danced like trees. Her blood streamed rivers flowing into seas. No longer in confinement her minds at ease. Hugs and kisses, I felt those before. Moon lit dinners, chocolates roses at the door, The dreams sold were sweet to the bitter core. You sold me no dreams, yet gave me more. How is it that you took this loneliness from me? Destroyed my sadness, made bitterness flee, “U” figured me out to the “T”. I feel happy; I am blissful to feel free. Through my unfathomable heart beats love. It’s not broken or dead, a lively hub. Peaceful and serene like the shivery white dove. Chivalry, “I adore thee like the stars above”. I was under the world, and now I’m on top. Twinkling eyes, from the stars rain drops. You dried the flooded garden like a mammoth mop. I have someone to depend on, and my dreams they would not stop. You’re the rush of excitement that cured my lifeless streak. With your tenderness and care you clogged my tear ducts leak. I have found what I longed for; I no longer have to seek. Gone are the rain storms, the breeze blow by my silent creek.