I stand medicated yet firm in my statement, These ideas become adjacent Numerous problems I engage with My hands find my hair Grip, Pull, Twist So I throw on some smooth issshhh Like Poetry over Heaven’s Melody Sounds like seduction when I’m fussing This music soothes my soul When my belly’s filled with the Devil’s Pie This music makes me whole When there’s something missing deep down inside When I get vexed I get down to ride, Metamorphosis, in a moment’s time Fear becomes a myth and death only by suicide This comma, this dream, my life what does it mean? In my time I’ve seen treacherous things Scarred for life like your eyes were bleeding Numb to the pain, but never blinded by what I see Night terrors in the day, all that’s left is it to pray Sometimes I seem to lose my way Equilibriums shot what could it be? They shot MLK and JFK, have they shot me? I’ll cut off my hands, before a chip cuts off my soul. Defecated times of my life, but I was born with goals So I have to get this **** right, tonight All have sinned, and fall short So a few lines of courage I’ll snort Sit here with my wine, and write this report From personal experience, statistics, and public opinion The world has become susceptible, and subdued by evil influence To scared, squeamish, and sick in the head To have the courage to say what needs to be said They’ll regret it when they’re dead.