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Oct 2019
Choosing not to choose is still choosing
Just as not deciding is still deciding
Not taking the risk is still risky
The making of a default life — the comfortable misery

I don’t want to own my mistakes
I rather blame the world as an unfair place
Pointing someone as an escape for my own shame
Is like accepting my lot will always be the same

The effortless door — so wide and so light
While most right paths are battles needed for a fight
Sometimes, restrictions give the way to freedom
While too much freewill makes someone a prison

I then realized: the default is all my fault
I’m might not in control of most results
Yet, it’s not about getting the so-loved “success”
But, it’s me lovingly taking the so-hated “process”

Life in default settings is quite addictive
The cage of ease is to make-believe
Better to get the pain of today’s threats
In exchange for the pain of tomorrow’s regrets
Written by
Mikel  33/M/Philippines
   Bogdan Dragos
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