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Mar 2013
Forgive me
If my eyes
Do not deviate from you
It is not everyday they see such beauty,
Your voice drifts
To my ears like glorious music
You take control of me,
I feel powerless,
I wish you were mine,
To love with all my soul;
To give you my whole being
To be yours forever,
One desire engulfs my life
Your love for me;
Knowing you would give all to me
Just the same as I,
Overflowing with passion
The feeling so strong
I can feel your lips caress my own
Your hair as soft as the smell of your skin
Nothing worries me;
As your warmth surrounds me
This moment only;
You and I
The world aside,
Never ending; forever lasting
I feel complete; I want nothing more
My heart beats loudly; impatient, desperate
No worse prison that the one within my mind,
When I wake up; reality is there, it saddens me...
© okpoet
Nestor David Armas
Written by
Nestor David Armas  37/M/OC
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