More like the unwanted guest, in a party for yourself.
That un wanted is always you.
Banners can say your name. One thousand times. Screaming.
Out of skyscrapers, bungee jumping from space shuttles.
Saltating, from your inner lung meat. Banners, with names, can only spittle lies.
Now unwanted I wanna leave, get out, only 3 more miserly months of a kingdom of intellectual gods and tzars. screaming my party name, but I. I. gone.
I am sitting While I'm grieving and admitting in my seat clenching to be let out breaking cracking/gnashing teeth left alone. all wanted left to brain rot but forced to sponge learning what i want in learning my ashcans full i am done I will. remain. despondent. I wont apply my neurons motor-sensory illusion for math demagogues what the **** crust me over cut my brain-case destroy all brain function and matter grey dissolve to black and white every ******* shade inside cephalic meat bowel
Lifeboats float back up to the top, after re-inflated, I breathe air once again. My retinas detect the light coming from packets of waves emitting from the shore. I float back up from the cold sea to the rock. Alive.
This is about my last three months in college. Some of the absolute dumbest people I ever met finished college with me :/ Whats that say about me....