Don’t let the name fool you But let me school you Captain Ego wasn’t a courageous man For starters, he is afraid of water As far as steering a ship Captain Ego really needs an encouraging tip But do it quick before the ship takes a dip Captain Ego seems to have a chip on his shoulder in thinking he is all that It goes beyond fact But what he really needs is a rude awakening being a smack Even the crew knew what Captain Ego was about It seemed every commotion always turned into a bout Captain Ego would order the crew being a command, but sounded more like a demand If Captain Ego doesn’t get his act together, he could very well be fed to the sharks Mark my word Now I hope you heard Yet Captain Ego’s name being a description that doesn’t seem to match But put Captain Chicken now that would be a catch He certainly isn’t truth However, Captain Ego has been that way since his youth But the seas seem to be in charge That means, Captain Ego isn’t large He doesn’t have any sea legs For calm seas, Captain Ego always begs The sea being awake and Captain Ego stuck in a yawn He doesn’t deserve a ship to be steering upon.