Dont compare your life With mine with her How could you dare You think it was easier i was a bad kid Whi never had a stable home Was molested, detested Cuz I was too young to be left alone Mistreated, beaten but i was rotton For no reason at all 13 yrs old forgotton Juvenile hall Very few loved me Hated by all Like i asked to be here i made this call Then when someone Did have love for me smiled at my success She made sure i felt Unwanted and a worthless mess Even when she was given the tools For her and I to make amends She choose to toss them aside like i was a means to an end I couldnt of felt more abandoned And so a wall was built Of course i left Why would i stay So i could continue To be treated this way She didnt miss me at all those were their best years Everyone was so happy When i wasnt there Why do you think I feel its better this way When she died All ties vanished away I dont neeed her parasites Take on her worries Her problems In this life. If she did so right by you Go be hurry Do what you do Im not sorry For leaving that way I will neber be back There is no someday Very few things That were good happened to me there So for the life of me I dont see how you compare Also your father Couldnt stand me And nor i him Like i needed Another alcoholic screaming His drunk slurs again That ***** was crazy If she thought it was happening Thats why at 14 yrs old Me and nana lived alone just on the other side of town Oh where was precious mother no where i was found Now think about that And tell me how you compare Cuz she didnt fall through For a while ******* year the only reason she knew I was pregnant Cuz she would gossip With ******* who were ignorant Not cuz she tried to be around Ask our dear brother he will tell how much effort she roused Think i felt abandoned and alone That poor kid oh my god He was left with schizophrenic soul Cuz it was too much for her To be provided for on a silver platter ridiculous and so low. So dont come to me with your mess Of how lessyou feel Without me in your home You dont know what your saying Less then half my age And trying to make me change All cuz we came from the same hole.