Forgotten to take the pill, was it? Or perhaps somehow the ****** split - An accident, or surprise? Just the sorts of thoughts suspicious minds Might have of couples like you.
Not that anyone said those things with you in mind, But I think there are other suspicious signs; To begin, I'm wary of a child born on a midwinter day, cursed with snow every third birthday, Or maybe I'm suspicious of the harrowing sight of a miniature pair of shoes, Or a child returning, smiling (or teary eyed) from a first day at school.
When we go on, with us die (at least it is said) our first snowfall, first kiss First rush of joy to the head, The first (and last) love vanish too when we come to be dead. Not so sad a thought, I say, for just to be born Is to be handed a road-map, and that job is yours. The map must take us entire from hither to yon So put clear crosses on the junctions beyond To spotheights that matter, that you yourselves found; First last dance, last love Second **** (perhaps), but surely first bike, First time to lay awake with friends too late in the night First getting up and first falling down And to know the outdoors and be cosy inside To be loyal in friendship, and savour the ride And know, that for all your love Noone survives.
But with all that aside, I conclude, What it is that I mainly suspect, (far worse than the rest) Is the thought of a child so ignorantly blessed To have been born to such wonderful people As you.