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Sep 2019
Awelewa! The sound of her beads send waves to my ears
the softness of her palms as it create sweet melody from clapping
Orente Adumaradan the jewel in the eyes of her father
she has gotten the towns men losing their breath
they have been hypnotized by the melodies from her voice
each word she speaks falling with varieties of sweetness
and you my people have been deceived into believing she loves You
Oh what devilish smile!
Oh that irresistible wink!
When she leave town she goes with our heart in her pouch Aniokanlapo that what we call her. The one with heart in her pouch.

Her beauty is glowing but her people are dying. Even as they lament they want her
But she is the dark princess feeding only on their lusts
Awelewa is a yoruba African word describing an irresistible beautiful woman.
Olayinka Temitope
Written by
Olayinka Temitope  Lagos Nigeria
(Lagos Nigeria)   
     Danny, Merinda, ConnectHook and J J
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