Will it or won't it? Statistically its the same. It seems the odds don't change no matter how unlikely is the thing. Will it to be or don't, but don't wait to hear an answer. To be or not to be Is not really that important. Its not even the question. If "to be" was how it's supposed to be, how come "not to be" is an option? So how do I "not to be," if I think therefore I am, and do I believe that I am even if I think it? And where am I when I don't believe in myself and my convictions? Does it even matter what I think when I can't be sure if I exist? And if I might not be then what am I still doing here, when I could not be? Should I stay or should I go? But could I go and no one know? And why bother leaving when I know that if I go it might be that no one would even miss me? Might as well just stay here where my odds are 50/50.
"People don't think it be like it is, but it do" -Oscar Gamble
Not sure where this one was headed, but I guess it got there. Or maybe it didn't. It feel like it's a poor attempt to obfuscate a simple thought through too many words. I guess everything in the sketch is t always good, but it's better than nothing, which is mostly what I've been writing...