Did your grandfather save this farm for you to have?
No, he's also buried in the back, in a grave.
So, at this point I quite naturally just had to go into the back of the house, to see all there was to see. Quite naturally. And dear God, let me tell you what I saw.
.....TO BE CONTINUED......
( I'm learning the art of cliff hangers in my writing. You know, leave them hanging. Wanting for more. As in...to be continued). How am I doing? ( By the way, there is no ending to this poem. I'm a shock poet. My poems are like being bitten by a word-snake. Uncomfortable yes, but you'll probably live. Willoughby, out!
Willoughby Newsletter: Come and check out the Willoughby gang --- Mustard Joe ( two tours of Vietnam. You don't even want to know what I've seen). Creepy Ray Ray ( rumors of my eating human flesh are strictly based on fact. And facts mean nothing today). Pendulum Pam ( eyes up here mister).