what is a knife to a tiger when paws and brutal canines suffices not to mention the ferocity of powerful jaws what are nursery Rhymes to a philosopher or Anderson Fairy Tales to a Monk in the Abbey where the contemplation of the high minds dwells not on the Mundanities of fallen minds not all songs are love songs breezes can be hot, cold, dusty, clean, light or heavy just as not all roads leads to Rome repetition of the lost minds and certainty of fools vainglorious performances of the superficiality charlatans in rendition of vaporous noise the banalities of hungry beasts aflamed a gnat will gnaw at a Lions impressive frame with no visible inkling of its presence to the king a child will grab at water trying to clutch it in palm only to see it dribble off leaving empty palms again such is the fool who sits outside a synagogue daily and heralds daily worshipers with 'Allahu Akbar' Yes, "God is [the] greatest", mate ! but you've got your wires crossed