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Aug 2019
They run from name to names
as if that would make a difference
but contempt knows no names or cares
a disgraced ghost in vengeful pain is a disgraced ghost
in vengeful pain, its really as obvious and apparent as that

They chase words in swirls and twist
in their minds it carries some messages to ingest
I just see the cheapness and desperation of dis-ingenuity
and smell the cloying fear that underpins their weaknesses
just cheap insecure ghosts looking for relevance and face save

They show how innate vapid arrogance
compensates for stupidity and shortsightedness
while tomfoolery dances with immaturity in insipid minds
and most telling is their kak lack of introspection or consciousness
for ghost sees what it wants to see and hear what it wants to hear

They have not changed a jot in me
other than now afford me a keener knowledge
of their hypocrisy, cowardice and their general fallibility
in tautology its evident that ghosts are divinely not human beings
and they all bar very few wear that dishonorable shame with pride

They are so far from my psyche and self
that I feel like shouting directions to piffling anodynes
but who am I to show them the tragedies of bloodless cadavers
who revel in their kak and sparkle in their white robes unaware
they want to bell a cat yet they parade around with the biggest bells
round their long supercilious necks

Is this the biggest tragedy of modern times
for evolution and history has taught mankind nothing!
come **** me and sing a million dirges but know its all about you
but you have also created double a million monsters in your yards
they are all waiting and watching and their diet is cold heartless cadavers......
The Amazon is burning, earth is being ***** and suffocated, and the soon to be roasted cadavers are calling each other names and comparing the blond looks of their wives....and a big blond man says I don't believe all this climate change **** because my comb-over still hold firm...This is our world....
Written by
Yenson  M/London
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