With solemn eyes she took his hand, and walked the length of the street; Her pain suffused with inner conflict, while her gentle heart continued to beat.
Awakened now to a frightening existence, her palm sweaty in the stranger's hands; A single tear fell down onto her cheek, the moment he opened the black van.
This man held a badge to her youthful face, then made her sign some confusing papers; While carried away from her own community, leaving behind children who will live in fear.
From her small window she saw her 'abuela', whose careworn hands waved a frantic goodbye; The life she'd known ruined and torn away, and off to a place where her words won't apply.
The suffering we've witnessed can only foretell, a stark future that leads to a living hell !
for the many immigrants who've lived here and contributed to American society, we must fix this broken immigration system, giving them a chance to survive and thrive ! Buena Suerte a todos ! (Good luck to all).