when you're on the backwards slide? your *** is pointing forward and you're seeing all the mistakes that you failed to hide... it's a slippery ride
do you know how you know?
you've reached the very bottom? It's like a gut shot that you slap your hands over but your life still spills at your feet you continue to hold on trying to push it back inside of you until it becomes completely obvious it's time to die, a time to weep
do you know how you know?
When it's time to fight back? it's when you are so sick of being the 3 things you fear
Pitiful, Paranoid, Pathetic
you've rejected the first you deny the second and the third is something you listen to but it is just another voice in your ear another buzz in the void
Life ain't no club sport there is no pat on the back from a weaker player, there's no recrimination from the stronger slayer there is no encouragement from the pack
do you know how you know?
You've made it?
it's in the sunshine that dines on your bloodshot irises to eat away at the decay It's in the whisper of a breath through dry cracked lips that shouts... it's different this morning becauseToday is not Yesterday