Cried my last river. drowned in my tears. Sobbed away the sorrow, Acknowledging that this is it. There is no future with him. For years I held on to something that was never going to work. My love for him was pure, I was dedicated and committed. I loved Him. This is it though, no matter how much I love him I can't go through any more pain, Just because I love him shouldn't mean I have to keep staying every time he hurts me. Im hurting so much, I feel like a fool. How could I let myself be treated this way for many years. How much time I wasted trying to show how true I was. what a fool of i.
im tired im so tired of this im so tired of trying to get him to see how hurt I am. He doesn't care he never gaf all evidence and proof is there. its time I get up and walk the **** away